The Fresh Market

There is something more important than the food available from any store, and that is, the people who eat that food. In my case, a rare genetic condition has me with rampant food allergies. The "Fresh Market" offers an enormous assortment of the highest quality, most delicious foods for anyone who needs to eat extremely carefully. A trip to "Fresh Market" is always a much anticipated shopping event, and I always find something new that I can eat without worry. And "Fresh Market" has been around longer than almost all other specialty food purveyors in our area. Please disregard any negative comments you may read. All that stuff happens at every single store. And posting comments that "people who don't know about food" is so ignorant and disrespectful, especially to persons with food restrictions like me. Thank you.

The Fresh Market was a huge disappointment - its very pretty and they do have a nice produce section, but the rest of the store is just for looks and to impress people that really don't know anything about food

Wonderful place. Best cookies in Orlando.

I bought a roasting chicken from Fresh Market on Friday night and went to use it today and it smelled badly. i went back to the store and the meat guy told me my refrigerator was not as cold as there's but he did replace it. i got home 15 minutes later and the one they gave me smelled the same as the one i brought back. i called the manager on duty and she said she was sorry but i was not going to go back a 3rd time. I just feel it was poor customer service

I shop there 2 times week in the grocery department. And Dave special orders me stuff all the time...great customer service skills