
Went in the other day. I needed some coals. As I walked towards the door I noticed a couple guys smoking cigs. They gave me a strange look as I walked inside. It was completely dark inside. Nobody greeted me or filled me in that there had been a power outage until I all but demanded to be acknowledged by firmly stating "I need some coals." to the first person I could see. The sweet girl told me "We can't sell you anything right now. Our power went out so our internet is down and we can't make sales. The Red Barn down there probably still has their power. Their prices are better than ours anyway." I could not believe she would actually send business elsewhere because of a small power outage. My coals were $2.00. I was planning on paying cash. There was one(1) table with a couple people with a hookah going. They definitely had options. They just chose to moan in the dark rather than problem solve in that situation. In situations such as power outages it can often bring in more profit than having the lights on. Oh and those two guys smoking outside that ogled me as I edged my way into the Hookah Bar?? They work there, I think. They made themselves comfortable behind the bar anyway. But what really irked me was that they didn't feel it necessary to inform me of their inability to make electronic sales before I went inside where I then had to hunt someone down in the darkness. They didn't even bother to put their smokes down and come in behind me; I was a potential customer. They lost.

Brian the new manager has been driving away employees, and customers with his foco ideas of a hookah coffee shop. As a founding customer of over 5 years his management makes me consider not continuing my business there. Also he is cheating his customers with the new shisha amounts in the bowl. $8/person for 15~gms of shisha is stealing. And you don't even get your own hookah at that.

I want the old management back! The change make me want to come here less and less.

Istanbul has great employees! Every time I go in they are always friendly and quick to get my order out. Free tea, great shisha mixes (Blue Jay and the Gobstopper AWESOME!) and even some hookahs to buy. If you are looking for a friendly place to hang out with friends this should be on one of your top picks.