Whole Foods Market

Please do your research before buying your health supplements/ vitamins at Whole Foods. I made the mistake of going to the nearest store (Whole Foods) to pick up ferrous sulfate, an iron supplement, after learning I was anemic. When I asked where to find the ferrous sulfate, the woman in the supplement section lectured me sternly about putting "that type of pharmaceutical iron" in my body. She claimed that ferrous sulfate is not absorbed well (NOT TRUE) and continued to claim that the raw iron vitamins they sell at whole foods are absorbed better and are somehow healthier all around, while the ferrous sulfate is actually harmful. After doing my own research on NIH and Mayo Clinic sites, as well as talking to my own doctor, I learned that as a matter of fact, this lady was uninformed, and I should have done my own research beforehand. Iron from vegan food sources is NOT absorbed better than iron from animal sources, and as a matter of fact, many of the iron vitas at whole foods also contained calcium which is known to prevent iron absorption as well! I dont mind whole foods for splurging and organic veggies, or if I were a vegetarian and could not ethically take a vitamin from an animal source. I simply think they should stick to what they do best (splurges and organic veggies) and NOT spread mis-information and superstitions. I can't even imagine how many people are duped every day into buying worthless supplements (or worse-- ineffective or even counterproductive) vitamins based on the ignorance or false expertise of those sales people.

They don't call it Whole Pay-Check for no reason. Once you get in through the bustling parking lot (which is hard to navigate with soccer-moms absent-mindedly chatting on their cells phones while driving BMWs, Lexuses, Mercedes, and Volvo SUVs) you'll find some pretty good stuff. Unfortunately you better be ready to fork out a load of dough for it. While the recession and everything the prices are rising faster than a space shuttle on the way to the moon. The other day I went to buy a baguette (and after almost getting hit several times in the parking lot) I was astonished to see that in less than a week the price had skyrocketed up 30%. Dang man, we need to get that Airhead out of the White House.

this is a really nice grocery store. excellent produce, excellent meats and everything in between.. this store isn't for your bulk shopping, its for quality. it may come with a price tag but good healthy food is worth it! .

Expensive! And the premade food is terrible.

A small Whole Foods Market in a convenient location.