Walmart Supercenter

In produce, they had two bunches of organic bananas in stock; every single banana was bruised. The "conventional" bananas were almost as beaten up. In crafts, I found a bolt of tulle with no price on it and no price label around it. I looked for a price scanner sign and walked toward it. The sign was there, but the scanner was gone! The second sign had a scanner, but it was broken (hadn't made it past the reboot screen). The third sign had a fire hydrant underneath it, but no price scanner. I told a manager in a white shirt that this was moderately infuriating and asked him to take down the misleading signs. He blew off my request. I'll go to Target from now on!

After over hearing a conversation about Walmart incorrectly rung prices at a party, I decided to watch prices next time I shop there. Today 02/10/2013 I went to Walmart to get some groceries. I picked up about 12 items and took them to the register. To my surprise 3 out of 12 items rang up at incorrect prices. The 3 items were Milk, Eggs and Lemons. Now I will be watching prices every time I shop there. I shop there very often for the last 14 years and I don't know how much money they had over charged me as result of prices being rung incorrectly and me trusting them blindly.



Thank you for your wonderful employee Joan in the Garden Center. Joan has helped me several times. She is always ready to help even when she is working on another project. Thank you for such a wonderful employee.