Best Buy

Neighbors, friends and family say this location may be closing down and that is why they come across with an indifference to customer service and loyalty. I dont know about any of that, however, I need to say that I am displeased about sending my father in law, who is quite elderly, into this store to purchase a new TV yesterday. He recently moved from AZ and had a 10% off any singular purchase. Something Best Buy sends to new home owners. Nothing on the coupon restricts him from any specific items however when he checked out and presented the coupon he was informed, "sorry, that item is not included in the discount". Talk about false advertising or bait and switch tactics. On top of that my husband told me that the store manager was indifferent to the situation. My father in law has zero patience to argue such points and chose to make the purchase just to be done. Best Buy should honor their discounts or clearly mark what items are not available prior to someone stepping foot in their store. Of course maybe that's why they don't; no one would come.

I honestly wasn't surprised when I saw this Best Buy had an average review of 1.9 stars. For Christmas I got a pair of Beats by Dre, but after trying them on in the store I decided to go with the new wireless ones. My father and I were told to go to Customer Service where Anya "helped" us. We were informed we were past the point where we could exchange them for the set I wanted. Instead of giving us other options she literally just stood there and looked at us. I finally had to ask, "What do I do since I don't want these. Are you wanting me to sell them online or something?" After a few more awkward moments of staring she informed us that I could exchange them for a store gift card. I was fine with that option and took it before she irritated me further. I guess Best Buy is turning into Comcast with their "Customer Service."

I'm sorry to read all these negative reviews regarding this specific location. However, I had a very pleasant experience. I did not find these "pushy" sales reps, yes most employees when they walk by ask if you need assistance or if you are finding everything alright, and the few times I've accepted their help, they promptly escort me to what i'm looking for and ask if I need anything else, and then promptly go about their business. Even during Black Friday(technically Thursday) I didn't bump into one irate Rep, yes some were busy, but I did not receive any attitude, and amongst all the hustle and bustle everyone of of them was able to help out accordingly.

This is the 3rd and final time I will visit Last visit (30DEC2014) my Son and I went to purchase Xbox 1 and a number of compatible games. No customary greeting at the door (yes, he was present), no customer assistance (6 - 7 reps standing in electronics bulls****** around!) Rude, obvious looks as if we were not welcome, or how dare we need assistance! We spent about 20 minutes in and decided that you weren't in business for profit. Sad. Nevertheless, we drove down the street to Walmart and purchased what we were looking for at the tune of about $ 520.00. Shame of you best buy, many of the people in this area code (80018) have similar complaints about We will now spend our money where the customer service is above par and not just tuned to a "specific" customer.

I hadn't been in a Best Buy in years and only came to this one to buy the new Captain America dvd. (For some unholy reason Marvel/Disney only released it through Best Buy.) While I'm there decide to check on another display I seen a couple of rows away. After a few minutes of standing there on my own a blue shirt from behind the customer service counter asks me if I need help. "Yes, thank you," I reply. A few minutes more and still no blue shirt to give me a hand. I look back at the counter and the kid that asked me is walking away from where I was standing. Another blue shirt is still back there, but after a few seconds he wanders off in another direction. Neither of them came to help me after one of them ask specifically if needed help. WTF? I gave it another few minutes and still no one came to answer my question. Finally I had to use my "command" voice to announce throughout the store needed assistance. Still no one came to help. Another customer came over and said he too was having problems with the customer service there. A vendor rep came over and said he sees that sort of behavior from the store employees all day long. Finally a kid with a mohawk-thing, came from a register and asked if he could help. I said I just had a quick question and explained that either of the customer service reps could have answered it without even leaving from behind their counter. Was this thing with a tag, but not on the shelf, available? After he leaves with the tag to verify the manager of the store comes over and tells me everyone is busy and that's why no was able to help me. Then why ask, I ask him? Why ask and then walk off? "I'm sorry," he said. I'm not looking for an apology, I told him. I'm looking for someone to explain to my why I was offered help and no one came to help? In fact, the one who offered pointedly walked off in another direction. I'll not be going back to this Best Buy ever and will probably not go to any Best Buy ever again. There's a reason people shop online now and that's to avoid crappy customer service.