

The most beautiful young lady except blonde girls, because I choose giving sexual party and I can't so far long, my moment is just like SuperGirls are mixing version of music, And I haven't been first place get KC.

The wait staff was quick , the managers were very polite and so were the bartenders, and the music was always different it wasn't just all hip hop or all rock they had a mixture of all music.

It's the owners b day Halloween party it's a fun @ sexy atmosphere

and loved the place. The bartender never let my drink get low and he was pouring them nice and heavy like I like em. The girls were all smoking hot and very attentive. They all wanted to know if I was enjoying myself and not just in a pressure me to give them money type if way. One girl in particular stood out. I think her name was star. Very beautiful and cute like the rest of the staff. All of that aside the waitresses were ridiculously hot! I'll be thinking about her for weeks.

I went on a Sunday it was laid back and everyone was friendly,all the employees were cool as hell, music was great, so was drinks, all together was great time besides when they had a heavier set drancer on the pole I give her mad props for having the balls to b on the pole but wasn't a good sight or career choice to me lol but all the rest of dancers was cute;-P........