Parlor Billiards & Spirits

If you come here on a non-weekend, it has barely 10 people. So it's a good chance to meet and talk. On Fri/Sat night, it's always crowded. After 10pm, the line is so long. That is basically club-mode. Services are good and there are plenty of space. I played the pool table only once so I can't comment on that. Beers are good. People are nice.

The Parlor's tag-line could be "The worst qualities of Las Vegas, right here in Seattle!" If you go to the Parlor for one of their headlining comedy acts, you will be treated as a wallet, not a customer. There Parlor issues a two-item minimum purchase from an overpriced menu and a mandatory gratuity, so even if you pay the top price for "VIP" tickets, you will end up paying much more for food and drinks that you can't enjoy and service that you didn't ask for. I went with the sodas which are essentially glasses of ice cubes; there was some soda in the glass, sure, but their fountain machines must have been running low on syrup, so it was just colored seltzer water. I would have rather they tacked an extra $15 on the ticket price.

Mostly Funny comedy. Three people perform usually during a show. Show never starts on time, expect to be waiting in line in a tight hallway (even with VIP tickets), then be seated in a VERY crowded atmosphere and wait half an hour for the show to begin (30min past show start time) You MUST BUY Two items off of their overpriced menu, You MUST give them a credit card for them to "open your tab" , even if you want to pay in full in cash upon ordering. Tip is included on your bill, no matter how poor the waiters service was. . . Women's bathroom has a person standing in it at all times-very odd and uncomfortable. They also have a big mop and bucket in one of the stalls, also odd.. This comedy show room is a fire hazard and very dangerous due to them having over 400 people in a room (by my actual count), that has a 270 people maximum occupancy.

Great place to shoot pool, have a few drinks and some food. Parking can be a little tough. The comedy club has pretty good acts but stay away from the seats to the far left or right.

Loud, obnoxious party goers. Expect to wait for service and deal with snotty hostesses. Good drinks, decent food. But yikes the noise level. And they SQUISH everyone in like sardines. Apparently making money off the crowd beats comfort, ugh. We've been here 20 minutes and its soooo painful. And we're still waiting for the show to start (already 15 mins past showtime and still waiting).