The Tobacco Merchant

I have been a patron of 'The Merchant', as we like to call it, since before it was as it is today. The place itself is perfect; elegant enough that you could go there for an adult beverage and a smoke after a night of fine dining, but casual enough that you can also go in shorts and a t-shirt. You will find ALL races, creeds, sexes, socio-economic classes, political bends, and 'walks-of-life' there. It is a cross between a United Nations steering committee and a casting call from the 'Bar scene' in Stars Wars. It is not uncommon, on any given day, to find an individual with multiple facial piercings, a 'jeans and t-shirt' individual, and someone 'dressed to the nines', all together, sharing their mutual love of a fine smoke and an ideally matched adult beverage. The tobacco selection, cigars and for pipes, is World Class. The beer selection is World Class The Staffs' knowledge on BOTH these fields of interest is World Class. I have been all over the Country and in some of the finest 'Smoke Rooms' there are. I would pit 'The Tobacco Merchant against ANY of them for scope of product, pricing, beverage selection, amenities, and overall atmosphere. There are PLENTY of places that will ALWAYS have ONE of these categories that is just a bit better than ‘The Merchant'. I have YET to find a place in these United States that has the balance of ALL of these categories as The Tobacco Merchant has it. If you are a true afficianado of fine tobacco and fine adult beverages, an 'afficianado-in-training', a 'wanna-be' afficianado, or just a lover of the fellowship that comes with sharing the virtues of fine tobacco and fine adult beverages, you are ethically, morally, and perhaps spiritually obligated to visit The Tobacco Merchant. It will lift your spirits, delight your olfactory senses, and dance lively upon your palate!!! Tim Glowacki 04-26-2014

These guys know their business. Top notch cigar lounge to relax and enjoy your choice of top quality cigars. They have a huge walk in humidor and the expert staff to help you find what you're looking for. One stop shop for every cigar enthusiast.
