

if you order thru the "dive thru" be care full,,,,they never put catchup ,napkins,and you order apple pies and they forget,,,plus you by ur self on the car order 3 meal,,,they dont even bother to put the soda in those carriers boxes,,,i hope they change those manners and politics at ther own restaurant,, new managent or they want to save $$$,,,and then when you realize, 5 milles away on freeway, no catchup or napkins,,,you not really happy to enjoy your food,,,"""good luck mc in baker city,oregon,,,,if jack,wendy,carls,,,,there in town they will change those maner...

Half of the time they get my order wrong. The other half of the time I have to wait 20 minutes to get "fast" food.

It's just a run of the mill McDonald's, there for when I'm in the mood to eat unhealthfully.