Castaway Lounge


What a great litte place cute women some thick oh yea nothing like porn in the corn

I used stop by here once a month or so when I lived in VT when I'd take trips down to Northampton. It is a real local place with lots of guys in trucker hats and people getting off of work around 4:30. Girls do 20, 15 or 10 minute shows depending on how many are working and there can be 10 girls on a weekend night. Some hometown girls along with about half college girls. A few girls overage or not beach ready but never more than one or two a night. The girls are very friendly and give nice privates but technically no contact at all. Beer/drinks is not too pricey for strip club. Lots of colleges nearby so the amatuer night can be pretty good. Locals often refer to it as the Whately Ballet. One downside is the girls dance to whatever is on the satellite TV. They used to play their own music and get really into their sets but they can't dance as well to songs they haven't practiced to. Afternoons right before the shift change is good time to go. The girls get a bit sad sometimes when there is a football game on and they are not the center of attention.