Wonderland Miami

I drive by here everyday and live three blocks away. Had some out of town guest and thought we'd try Wonderland. It was a Sunday around 8pm. It was me my buddy and our two girls. Both very cute. First time in adult club for my girl. I was a little shocked at the $30 cover! The club is nice and the girls were very friendly. They Sat and talked about shoes with my girl while i enjoyed the stage. Bad thing is that it was prettu empty but still had ten security guys that acted like the Secret Service. Very uncomfortable. For Christ sakes its a strip club not high value target protection. A little to tense for me. Girls were mediocre as well. Won't go again at $30 a pop. Oh and Tootsies is not really around the corner. About ten miles.

look for the blonde brazilian girl , wont regret......like a princess you can show to your parents but an animal inside the champagne room....

I have worked in the nightlife industry for years. Maybe too long to admit. I've been to gentleman clubs all over the world and truth be told Wonderland is one of the best. From the staff, the girls, the sound system, etc… One of my favorite parts is the food menu. I have found it funny that every time I go to a strip club I always get hungry and it just so happens no place every has food. Well, Wonderland not only has it but it's amazing. I promise! The steak is not only only $16 dollars but its fantastic. My favorite part about the place is besides the girls being 8 - 10's they don't harass you. Seriously, the guys reading this will know what I mean. How annoying is it when you are trying to relax and you get attacked every 5 minutes by a different girl.. Not here boys.. Try it you'll love.

What a scam of a business! My experience: Went in with a large party not minding the $30 cover because it was a Saturday night. When we got in only half of the club was opened because there wasn't enough customers. We asked staff if there were any chairs available and they said the only thing available is premier VIP section $700 with 2 bottles but, he'll get the manager for us. We then spoke to the manager for him to tell us opening the other half of the club is not an option so, the only place we would be able to sit is at the VIP table. We asked why wouldn't this situation be brought up to us prior to coming in and his response was why wouldn't we send in one person first to checkout the situation?...What?!? My recommendations: For potential customers -Go to Tootsie's (just around the corner) upstairs VIP for $20 -Go to Scarlett's (a good distance away from Wonderland but still worth it over Wonderland) -Light your cash on fire (the glimmer of light will still be a better experience) For Wonderland -Work on basic customer service so you wouldn't have to close half of the club -Have the only 4 hot girls, that were working that night, go work at Tootsies or Scarletts because they'll make more money there -Close your business because your competition is much better than you

Dj is sick, fun and different place to go, specially after hours. Food is amazing also!!