

It will be a long time before I shop here again due to misleading advertising. The sign for the whole cooked chicken, right below the chickens said $5.00 with club card. Turns out, this quoted price was for the fried chicken, which was a foot away to the right of where the whole chickens were. I'm not happy, so will not shop there again, and I've shopped at Safeway/Von's for over 17 years, as I used to live across the street from Safeway on Foothill road in Hayward. The $5.00 with club card sign should have been placed below the fried chicken.

Not impressed with this Vons store, old, doesn't have a lot of items. Been in Ca. two years, quality of grocery chains leaves a lot to be desired. I was surprised. Grocery stores in Canada and Publix on the east coast so much better!!

Racial Profiling in full force here. After being away from Fresno for two decades I moved back. River Park wasn't here back then, so always up for something new I moved to the area. The first 3x's I shopped here I was followed around by stock boys. Every aisle I paused to look an item a different stock boy would appear within several feet of me. Then when I'd go to the register I was meet by suspicious glances by both male and female checkers. They proceeded to ask me questions about what I do for work, what kind of work I do, how long I've done that type of work, what I do for fun on weekends, if I was married, if I had a boyfriend. Then there would be question about how long I've had my pets, if I had other pets, if I drank that weekend, if leave town. I almost asked them if they were cops. After several visits (I was still unfamiliar with other supermarkets in Fresno) they stopped the interrogations. Then they just left me alone, and also the stock boys quit popping up everywhere I went. I'm guessing I past the minority background check they give to ethnic shoppers. But then of course, since racial profiling is part of their modus oprendi, they can't stop. I then went to look at the produce and the next thing I know I see a stock/back girl with black framed glasses watching me from the corner of the store. I tried to ignore her, then I remembered she was the same girl who all of sudden had to stock the shelves next to me when I was choosing peanuts. So now I can't shop for peanuts and tomatoes?! Anyway, I complained to the check out woman who was in her 30's with reddish curly hair and glasses and she told me it must have been nothing, but her expression was way too 'oh golly gee' to be credible. I stayed away from the store for months. I only returned to by a gift card. The gift cards are dated 9/2021 or 9/2019, and since most store card machines don't go up 2021 I had to find one dated 9/2019. So there I was looked through the cards (that can only be activated at PURCHASE) and the same 'oh golly gee' clerk walks by me very slowly with her eyeballs hawking down at my hands. It so SO obvious! And she knows me too! But still she treats me like a thief. I had to go back to the store the next day for a new gift card (my atm card was lost) and a new clerk did even worse. It was a middle age lady with short greying hair and glasses, as soon as I walked into the store she stood back and looked at me in shock as I walked through. Then as I was looking at the gift cards she appears within 18 inches of me and suddenly has to stock new gift cards. I take a look at her and she says a nervous, "how are u?" But I just walk off with my card refusing to answer her. Days later I walked in late at night and the night manager asks me where I've been shopping, and if I've been shopping across the street (i.e. Save Mart). I lie. But honestly, I have been shopping at Save Mart across the street, because first they don't ask me a hundred questions about things that are none of their business, and second not once have I ever seen anyone hanging around me trying to see if I was shop lifting. But I didn't tell him this because I was almost sure he'd do his job and just deny the whole thing. I've never once seen any White people treated this way this store and believe me I've looked, and looked, and looked. Even some sloppy dressed White people were left to shop in peace, but not me. It's more likely the fault of the General Manager. Let's just say I once time saw him singing energetically along to Lynard Skynard, you know "Southern Rock", and let's just "Souther Rock" fans aren't known as the most racial tolerant folks. But let's remember somebody hired him and knew what they were getting. All in all, Vons racial profiles.

Very very good

nice store