walmart supercenter
Walmart Supercenter
1155 Hwy 65 N
24 Hours
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24 Hours
John George - December 14, 2014

One of the most horrible stores. Worse than normal par for Walmarts. The management think everyone is wrong and they are right. They don't honor their mistakes. They price things wrong purposely. They misstock merchandise. Worse of all is that some of the management are ex vets and think that you have to bow down and believe they are right and you are scum. Unfortunately they forgot to uphold their oath that didn't end with their service and thus are no the same as the jackbooted scum that is Conway PD.
William White - October 09, 2012

I love walmart
A Google User - May 16, 2012

Walmart is always #1in my book. They are good friendly people.
A Google User - February 08, 2011

Sam Walton rolls in his grave with every beep of the cash register.
De'Von Patterson - May 25, 2014

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