

This McDonalds is totally disgusting! It is filthy dirty and they have terrible service,with kids working who don't care about customer service at all. We were there and we actually saw a kid drop a burger off the grill and pick it up and put it back on there.... we left!!!!!!! NEVER AGAIN !!

This Mcdonalds has gotten better from the last reviews. It has been remodeled and is quit fabulous. They try their hardest to make our time at mcdonalds is the best, they may screw up sometime but they fix it. Kept clean, when I was there, there was someone always cleaning like they didnt stop. They were cleaning from the time i got there till the time i left. I think they try their best since it looks like they have a lot of trainees. I loved it.

I used to work here and let me tell you it was the most horrendous time of my life. The hygiene was enexcusable, the store would be cleaned at night, and then wasn't cleaned again until 1:00 pm the next day at the earliest. Cooks were painfully slow, and I was not at all trained properly. The management was also horrendous. Most of the management staff was made up of foreigners. One time a manager called a cook away from the grill to teach her the spider pig song from the Simpsons, and then spent the rest of the day singing it while customers yelled at her. And some days managers would just skip work without warning. The only reason this store doesn't recieve 1 star from me is that it recieved new owners, but that being said, it doesn't seem worth the risk to me.

It wasn't bad when I went. I think the staff are just out of elementary school and might be a little too young. I got the meal I ordered. It was packed with fat and some lovely carbs. It was even warm.

I came to mcdonalds at midnight and ordered 10 nuggets. My first warning should have been that they were ready at the window as I rolled up. Not only am i certain they where a screw up from hours prior, my monopoly stickers where already pulled off. NOT COOL MCDICKS..