Cloud 9 Frozen Yogurt & Gourmet Coffee

As another said, Laramie needed this and it is good for what it is, a limited frozen yogurt shop. Less choices all around compared to a PinkBerry or something similar in larger cities - Few yogurts and toppings esp. fruit. Nevertheless predictable and still a nice change of pace in this town. What Laramie also needs is a decent coffee shop that can make a true cappuccino and knows the difference between a macchiato and cafe creme. Expect your typical second-wave coffee drinks e.g. three sizes of one "drink" that comes under one of twelve names following on the long coat tails of SBucks, made with Lavazza coffee - a mass-market stale bean probably roasted 12 months ago. Call it Folgers, Lavazza or whatever 7-Eleven (Their pre-package bakery items are very reminiscent of this corner store) serves, its still bulk buyer grist and should not be advertised as anything else. Mine came with scalded milk as a plus! Don't forget the flavored drip too - didn't this go out in the 90s? Again, it is a nice change of pace for Laramie in the yogurt department but not a hang out spot with such disappointing coffee.