Dunkin' Donuts

So the folks that own this DD own the one on Rt. 610, and the follow the same practices. Very rarely do they execute your order correctly the first time and when they do get it right, there's alway something they forgot in the bag like napkins, or straws. No big deal I know, but a real pain the butt when you're rolling through the drive-through in a rush and now you have to park and get out with kids in the car. These are the same folks that will nickle and dime you for everything. Just this week they began charging .25 cents for a kids cup when you order a kids milk. No big deal again, I know. But first of all, their kids milk is more expensive than any other franchise. They are served in this dumb bottles with pop tops that allow your kids to spill milk everywhere, and they knew folks order kids cups with the milks to avoid spilling, and some how the management said, lets charge these fools another .25 cents for a .02 cent cup. great ethical business prcatices. I'm surprised they don't charge a dollar per napkin. I also understand that all DD are locally owned and operated and that promotions vary by location. But what I've never seen is DD that selectively choses which promotions or items they wanted to carry on a case by case, week to week basis. Zero consistency. It makes it difficult to go in and order items for a whole group, only to stop and call everyone because half the items they had last week, aren't carried today. Its just not worth the hassle. There are better amd more family friendly establishments all around. Find a different DD, and not the location on Garisonvelle road either since it's run by the same folks.