
The employee's are a bunch of morons. I was practically mocked when I refused to buy one of their water "pipes". Oh, and don't say "bong" in this store or they will instantly scold you and act as if you are some sort of backwards idiot. They constantly pester you to buy an expensive "water-pipe", I'm talking like a $230 piece for a glorified bong. Who the hell has money for that anyway? Whata joke. Not to mention they leave raunchy porn dvd's on the cashier counter to tempt you to buy. It's not even separated from the rest of the items. it's just..boom..there's some porn here. I would only recommend this place if you wanted to troll these idiots. Maybe throw rocks at them, idk.

Even for a place that sells glass pipes and dildos these employees are under-qualified idiots. They carry themselves as if being an ignorant druggie is a desirable lifestyle, when really all it does is make their business seem incredibly unprofessional. Everyone knows this place is overpriced and is a last hope if the other shops are closed, but you can still hire people who aren't complete neanderthals who permanently talk as if they've just experienced a severe concussion, I mean articulate a word or two for Christ sake. Now that we have better head shops popping up all over town with better prices and better service this hell-hole is bound to go down, and these idiots are bound to start their lives as homeless beggars even sooner than expected, great news for the rest of us.

This place is horrible. Its owned by hustlers and drug dealers. I don't recommend anyone buy their "legal" herb either. It will nearly kill you and its even sold in sandwich baggys like real marijuana.