
Unprofessional. "Bouncers", if you can call them that, don't wear identifiable clothing. Was thrown out because someone tried to start a fight with me and I ignored him. Was screamed at incoherently by a "bouncer" wearing a ratty orange tank top and jeans, while a police officer did nothing. The only redeeming quality is the owner, Fred, who thankfully was screaming at the idiot who tried to start a fight as my friends and I left. Will not be returning - aside from Fred, the bar appears to be full of uneducated redneck trash.

The overall bar experience wasn't horrible, but looking at my bank account the next morning I'm seriously uncomfortable with the fact that leaving a tab open means that $50 is held against my account for a week before it's settled at the correct amount. For an $18.50 (AFTER tip) tab. Most bars that do this hold it at $20 - and it really doesn't matter what amount they hold it at, if a tab held at $5 is walked and there isn't enough in the account to cover the funds, there is still a way to force the transaction. $50 to hold a tab is simply outrageous, it stays on my bank account affecting my balance, and there's not even a sign to that effect - if there was, I would have used a CREDIT card and not my DEBIT card. Utterly ridiculous and I'm not happy about it. STILL can't get someone on the phone. And on top of it, we were all 21+, but charged a $5 cover before 10:00pm, and there wasn't even a band. Obviously they expect each person to drink a minimum of $50, is the $5 cover for the drinkers really necessary? I mean, ok, "It's just $5." Fine, but I didn't have cash on me. Of course there's a convenient ATM, and for said convenience you're charged an additional $2 there, and your bank charges you another $2 later. Luckily my friend paid my cover and I just bought her first round. And to those of you who will undoubtedly say, "you could have just gone somewhere else and not paid the cover," if my friends didn't really want to go there, I wouldn't have.

Be 28th oreilly

Basic trashy county bar.