Doug's Auto Sales

We were looking to get a vehicle here, and spotted a green fiesta we liked. We had my mother with us because she's got a good eye to spot tiny things on a vehicle most wouldn't notice, before we prepared to drop over 12,000 on it. she noticed some paint color differences between the bumpers and car body- both sides of the front bumper and one side of the rear bumper were obvious tone differences once she pointed them out. we then asked for car fax, and got a quick scroll on a cell phone. she told us to have them print it out so we could get a good look at our own speed. She asked him why there were paint differences, but he said it was because it was a plastic bumper- then i personally noticed 1 side of the rear bumper was the same shade as the rest of the car. this concerned me, by a lot. we were going to get a printed carfax report, but he began to become very rude as we continued to try to find out why. my mother wanted to make sure we knew what we were buying- instead of being open to our curiosity and helping us to find out why, he became very defensive because she said she wouldn't trust it until we knew. his response was that he hadn't been with the car throughout its life- so he didnt know. yeah, we know that very clearly, thats why we wanted a carfax printout. but we're about to drop that much money on a car, a car that we can't find out whether or not it was wrecked? it was repainted for sure- but why would it be repainted to factory color unless it WAS wrecked? he became very cruel and we clearly never got the printed carfax. during the questioning process, he also got a phone call and walked off- while we were midsentence. no excuse me. no sorry, I'll be right back. just ran off inside. we were excited and looking forward to a hospitable environment (that was a shock at how rude the owner became when we wanted to just know why it was painted). Both cars my boyfriend had through this business went bad, one blew a turbo, and the other the engine is blown before the 2 year note was finished. had starting issues soon after he purchased. It's a business though, so he's trying to pocket anything he can- i get that. but why are you going to be rude because we can ask questions, and WANT to find out everything that could possibly be wrong with the car? it was priced at over 1,000 above the fair market value for excellent condition. it was in decent condition but not perfect. I was truly looking forward to a good experience. if you're not going to question the car you're about to put a lot of money into, it's an alright dealership with a large selection. just whatever you do, dont ask questions that might offend him because you're apparently going to have to trust a stranger with 10,000 dollars and hope he's right about the car. I definitely didn't like the way he spoke to my mother- that was a very immature thing to do. She wasnt being a jerk- she just stated she wouldn't trust the car, and he wanted us to leave. he probably became rude because she cost him that sale. thank goodness she was with us, because we probably would have taken that car home and found out when it was too late!!!! She took a lot of attitude from him just because she was watching out for us. What would you do without a good mother like that?! We walked away without a car, but we've got another dealership we're interested in. TAKE YOUR TIME LOOKING- DON'T IMPULSE BUY! That is all, fellow wise consumers!

wonderful people great cars and deals. got my first car from there

Great country people that are awesome to talk to

never never go any where else everyone is so helpful & very kind coming soon 2 get another car !!!!!!!!

Most helpful staff with a good selection of cars