Walmart Supercenter

Worst walmart in Memphis by far. Rarely more than 3 out of 20 lines open. Isles always blocked by items not stocked on shelves. Rude employees. Dishonest employees. Never have I gone here and had a good experience. At this point I'd be happy going there once and not being put into the worst mood.

Generally Walmart has a deservedly bad reputation. As Walmart stores go this one is pretty bad. The layout of the grocery side of this store is dismaying and feels like it's incomplete. Now the staff(underpaid I know) is incredibly slow and inattentive to the state of the premises. The idiot shoppers always seem to decide at the last minute that, "hey I guess I don't want those avocados or that package of hamburger." Thus there is crap strewn throughout the store. While the general staff is certainly to blame because upkeep is part of what they are being paid for, I mostly blame management to the top. The front line supervisors are likely from the same cast as the general employees which is part of the problem. If Walmart doesn't want to have stores the face of which Target stands on, they'll have to pay their management a competitive salary so that one, they(Walmart upper management) can demand higher quality personnel and two, those supervisors will actually have a monetary incentive to have their stores move forward toward Target rather than backward toward K-Mart. I do have to say that I will shop for certain items like meat at Walmart before Kroger because of price and before SuperLo because of quality.

Someone actually asked if I needed help! Amazing! Go Walmart (plus the bathrooms are awesome, I know weird, but it matters to a girl)....

The auto. department has great service

I just called to find out about the hours and cost of an oil change. Even though it was close to quitting time, GEORGE was very patient and answered all my questions. I know he had to have been very busy trying to close up. He didn't try to rush me off the phone. GEORGE was very helpful. Alot of folks in customer service could learn something from GEORGE