alice's wonderland

Alice's Wonderland

1581 US-6
11:00 AM - 03:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Greg Miller - May 23, 2014

I think what the others are talking about is Walmart stuff. Yea they don't have any of that here. But if your living in Upstate NY and your Wiffie don't know what the other loggers are wearing upstate and she thinks you work logging on computers and picked you up some Lugz at the mall. This is the place you go to get out of that ugly New York clothing tax being right across the boarder. I seen vans and even a bus full of men coming here to get workwear. They got lots of hunting gear to, the good stuff that fits to, cause their located in the middle of a huge Hunting Game lands paid for with hunting licenses. I don't shop here everyday, but its great scenic ride being on Route 6 and in the mountains. I go by here lots. I agree with the others, Its not like the shoe store at the mall, where they give you the hard sell as soon as you walk in. Nope, you could walk around just to look around and not even say a word and leave even. Just ask though, they got all the answers and by asking that's how they got all the stuff you want. Most everything they carry is in supply by demain. And people round here all think cause your from NY, means you live in Manhattan to. Bottom line, I think its the best place to shop around. Less your shopping for a pink Tutu.

Joe Lupinski - June 22, 2014

Today I traveled over an hour to visit Alice's to get fitted for some American made Chippewa boots . I'm glad I did. The customer service I received was above and beyond. Everyone was inviting, helpful, knowledgeable & very friendly. I am happy with my purchase and I like to support small family owned businesses that offer great products & outstanding customer service, this is something that online shopping rarely has.

Amanda Showers - December 02, 2013

Alices is like an oasis in the woods. They have the best brands that are hard to find in person out here, all under one roof. Extremely friendly lovely family run local buiz. But they're not in your face,- so if it doesn't seem that way try asking them something or talking to them first. This is primarily an outdoor clothing store (they have a vast array of men's hunting/work wear in the back as well), though they have some gear (all good stuff but I've never purchased serious gear from them)--I trust their selection. Anywhere with a realistic selection women's Carhartts who takes it seriously is tops in my book. Also they are open late some days which is amazing (BEST hours). It IS top retail prices bc its a small buz selling high quality outdoor brands- so dont be suprised by that. If you dont have the money to be buying undiscounted high range outdoor clothing/gear shop their sale racks (which often have deep slashes, less of a mass to choose from & is where i usually find good stuff) OR check things out in person there that you would usually buy from catelogues/online & have to pay return shipping for sizing anyway, and support them in the process by buying something. They also have a rewards program. My only complain is that there seems to be a distinct lack of women's boots & I wish that they would keep more of a variety of women's clothing etc in stock that was literally outdoor wear. Womens stuff seems to be oriented 85% around pricey lifestyle wear & not practical, everyday, or wear & tear stuff. (I make sense of this by assuming they get a lot of their business/demand from male workers & hunters, but still- if u brand & stock it, they will come). It's a problem in terms of the actual companies & what they're supplying but co.s like Carhartt & Duluths are doing it RIGHT (as opposed to the womens pastel wonderland of LLBean & often Woolrich). It would be extraordinarily nice to see some more female options that fit into that work/hunt/woodland lifestyle category vs. trendy expensive lifestyle stuff. Things you can actually chop wood in w/o looking like a cat lady. ♡

Jamie Hill - February 19, 2015

Great service and inventory

A Google User - December 09, 2010

This store has a fair selection of gear, unfortunately the prices are a bit steep. They offer no discounts what so ever for people in the outdoor industry, ie, Ski Patrol, Ski Instructor's, Guides etc.. ..not even College Students or Military can get a discount. My conclusion: Prepare to pay out the %#% ..also, Staff members seemed socially awkward toward me when asking general questions. I don't know, check it out for yourself if you don't believe me.

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