

I went in for a meatball marinara yesterday (my favorite) and the woman behind the counter just stared at me. After a few seconds I said "Hello" to which she replied "we're out of pickles and honey mustard". Should probably note every S has an H at the end...(picklesh) I told her that was fine and began to order my sandwich. While she was digging out my meatballs a roach crawled out of what I hope was the tuna and was big enough the lid moved when he came out. The woman behind the counter immediately screamed "NOT AGAIN" and attempted to kill this monster with the handle of the bread knife! After a few seconds of this Tom and Jerry routine the roach out smarted her and took a dive for the roast beef. She was too busy panting the jellied ham fat out of her lungs to notice where he was hidden. "What cheese do you want?" she asked after she had been bested by the insect. I spun on my heel and left. When I heard the bell ring on my way out I heard more slams on the counter and "THIS IS THE LAST TIME". I guess the roach made a break for it............. (true story)

Sandwich artists seem more interested in flirting with customers than actual sandwich making. They also seem uninterested in a woman who frequently digs through their dumpster screaming "JACKPOT!!!!" or "Trav's gonna love this!".