The Home Depot

I used to like going to this store... however, I noticed a shift in customer service, and product presentation. 3 month ago I went to return an item, with all proper documentation, and the rep said that I needed a final Ok from the dept. as to which I purchased from. So I had to walk to the Dept, get the OK, and walk back to the return counter. The lady told me that she would give store credit. I told her that I did exactly what she asked, and wanted a total refund since the purchase was only 5 days old, and I had all proper receipts. She did it, but not without making a scene, and trying to be little me. So I went to the manger, and filed a formal complaint against her. The Manager said she would look into it. Today This Morning, I bought some fuses, and granted it was early and half a cup of coffee in me, I grabbed the fuses went to check out, and went to the site. When I open the bag, one of the packages had been wrapped many times with clear tape, and the fuses look burnt. So my guess is that they accepted a returned item that was in poor shape, and decided to see if they can get their money back... I guess it is shame on me for not looking twice, but the first package was fine, and I did not seem to think that the one behind the first on the shelf would be "sneakily" placed for purchase. I called them, and they will refund my money later today, hopefully..... I spoke to Mark, store manager, and told him that I have decided to no longer participate with his store, since there is no one that can get a handle on product control, and customer service. I told Mark that this seems to be an inherent culture that is developing within the store, which is unacceptable... Mark said that he will look into it.... These are just 2 instances, but there are many In the past.... If you go there in Bellingham, MA expect to see associates walk away from you, if you have a question, and have fun in the return Aisle... . This store may have a 4-5 star rating, I give it a neg 5. No star for you...Super Bad Store I had to give at least one, in order to publish... Goodbye HD.

Stopped by the electrical department on 11/5/14, mind you I've spent over $200,000 buck over the past 25 years, and overheard a customer asking the HD employee from electrical a question . All he said in a condescending tone was, "call an electrician". Myself, looking for some wire, all I got for an answer was, "Call and electrician". In my 25 years as a huge customer of HD, I felt like punching this fat peace of shit. How dare he!!! I know legally they have to be careful, but come on. Lowes is just up the road and has a better selection. Rude and condescending.

Be Mgtow and do it all yourself with the help of this place! DON"T go to any other stores at this exit. THEY ALL SUCK! Just get back onto 495 or 126 and go home!

Hello, I would like to leave a short message of thanks. I was very happy to find good customer service at this Home Depot and I'd especially like to thank Steve for his help, advice and interest in my project. I really appreciate it