
the steaks got me sick, the place in the back is full of crack and the slums fro the trailer park pretty much run the place. Dont ask the owner because hes lit or at home.

I just found out about this so take this information for what it's worth. I just ask that people that are haters need to compile facts before throwing out accusations about my bar. For instance: 1.I am the owner of this bar and I don't drink. 2. You can call the Kenner police dept. I have had 2 calls to them 1 for a fight the other for rumor of underage drinking. When the police Dept came out and Id'd everyone in the bar?? NO ONE was found to be under aged. If you chose not to frequent my bar? That's ok everyone is entitled to what they like. However unless you have your facts correct don't spread vicious rumors. Yes our bar does sit in front of a trailer park I cannot control what happens beyond the doors of my bar. Don't go back there and you won't have a problem. And as far as comment from yesterday... Really? If my bartender/Manager puts something in your drink to get you "Drunker"? then our sales would go down. So that has "NEVER" happened