Casey's General Store

Im from montana.....i stay in Russel about 4-5 tmes a year... I use to really like it......but that was before christmas restayranrs open of any stores ope. But one.....Caseys country store....hungry cold my usual room at Russel Inn......great place nice people friendlist folks in town.... and they are originally from Caseys is it... (Mcdonalds is not even open)....went in was surprised a little deli....well the lady cooking when i put my orderbin said it would be a couple hours till she had um done....there werd 3 sluces of old pizza in the display case....i got um.....nasty.....the cook could have cared less i was stuck away from home on fact at least one restaurant should have been open ...Russel is on I-70.....there were several travelers riding around looking for something to eat....from now on i will make the drive into Hays............i dont know what i expected really.....just had more faith in Kansas folk i guess.... Sure didnt expect rude treatment.....a little compassion for travelers would be nice! . ..