Walmart Supercenter

Superlative awesome service by edna at the front register she handled 8 registers perfectly . Period. Merry christmas. Jesus is my hero.

Customer service at the register and with two separate customer service managers in the same evening was the worst I have ever experienced. Indifference,uncooperative and rude would be the 3 words to summarize my recent visit. Walmart couldn't have developed into a large retailer with these qualities, but the Supercenter on Allen Rd,, Peoria IL, seems to have lost site that the customers are the people paying their wages. I'm sure that my recent experience will redirect much of my business in the future where I'm not an inconvenience.

Bought a TV on the website and chose ship-to-store for the delivery. Ordering and notification it was ready for pick-up via text was just fine but the problem came in getting the TV at the store. The pick-up desk is back behind photo in electronics. Two men working in electronics were busy chatting casually about something obviously not job-related and did not seem real interested in getting my TV. "Go back to the counter and someone will be there soon" one of them said. After waiting for a while I asked another worker walking by and she told me that electronics works the counter. "Oh really?" I thought. I returned to the two guys working in electronics, who were still engaged in their discussion, asked if one of them could get my TV for me. Clearly annoyed one of them agreed and walked back to the counter and took care of me. He wasn't so much unprofessional just that he and his friend were more interested in their socializing instead of doing their jobs helping me out with my pick-up. With my new TV on my way out I saw a young man, an employee, casually walking around wearing Beats headphones listening to music. In all fairness he could have been on a break but if so he should not have been spending it by walking around the store listening to music while wearing a blue Walmart vest. Either way it's unprofessional behavior and reflects badly on the store management as well as Walmart. I decided to go back the next day to buy a tablet, but didn't because the display for them was in a complete disarray. Prices were not displayed for any of them, empty spaces where a display model should be. Same guys in electronics from the previous day weren’t very helpful beyond stating that the cheapest one was $69 dollars. Although this time I didn't catch them engaged in a compelling conversation. They merely repeated the previous pattern of being uninterested. I wish I could say this is a problem store, or even just about a pair of slackers, but this sort of thing has become common at Walmart in general. Lightly staffed stores, unhelpful/unmotivated workers, shelves unstocked or disorganized, dirty floors, have become the norm at Walmart stores. It's a shame really. I wonder if Walmart may end up sharing the same fate as retailers like K-Mart, Venture, and JC Penny. I won't say something silly like "I'll never shop at Walmart again!", because I probably will now and then, but I will say this; with the decline in service, conditions inside the stores, and the narrow margin in prices in general over competing retailers Walmart is no longer the automatic store-of-choice for everything from car parts and tools to laundry soap and t-shirts. For everyday things I’ll stop and think “where else can I go?”

Worst shopping experience of my life today at Walmart. First stop, the restroom, looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a month. Garbage was so full it was pouring out onto the floor, toilet had poop all over it, dust was caked on everything. Next stop women's intimates where I shopped for bras. I went to the fitting room where an older man and a woman were working. After trying on the bras and returning the ones I did not want to buy I went around the corner to look at more. To my surprise I hear the man saying to the other woman that for all they know I could have taken one of the bras and been wearing it and just swapped it out for my old one. Next I hear him tell the woman not to touch the bras. I peered around the corner and the man immediately stopped talking. Next I headed to crafts and asked the young girl working there where I could find jewelry accessories only to be treated like I was bothering her. At this point I had enough so I made my way up to customer service only to find a long line and no one working. After waiting a while I decided to call the store manager. I was put on hold for 12 minutes when someone finally came only to tell me that the manager wasn't in. I realize that Walmart is a multi billion dollar industry and the opinion of one person may not matter much, but if it weren't for each and every individual customer buying from your stores, there would be NO walmart!!!

Just moved to the area 8 months ago and this store just so happens to be near me. after many incidents with poor customer service I have decided to go to the wal-mart in washington or elsewhere if i needed anything. Several times I had to wait 20 to 30 minutes for services at different departments. I cant recal how many times I had someone paged to their areas for service but i know it is a lot. Not to long ago I had a watch needing a battery replaced and waited in Jewelry for about 25 min. I went to customer service 3 times to page someone over and finaly a manager came over just to tell me that the person was on lunch and wouldnt be back for another 45 min and that they were the only one in the building qualified enough to change it out. Another incident was during christmas and trying to get holiday cards. It started with creating a order once it was made the photomachine had no paper to print a reciept. so i waited a bit then went over to pick up the cards. Once again someone must have been on lunch because i waited for 20 min. After again asking 3 different people to page someone we got a kid who then told all 8 people in line by then that he dint know what to do and then left us. finaly a young lady came over and assisted everyone in line. I unfortunately had to wait some more because they had lost my order and had to remake it. I am so sick of poor attitudes, excuses, and laziness. many times i have gotten the eye roll, backtalk, or been lied to. I notice a lot of things customer service related at this wal-mart alone. I think they need to work on this one big issue before i ever return.