
Im kirk an this bar is amazing. Bartenders. Are great!! People there. Real nice. I enjoy it very much. An yall who bad mouth this place can piss off an stay home like the good lil bitches u r im there everynight u dnt like what i have too say come find me so i can knock your teeth out.

Tammy the bartender hates women and is a trouble making liar. But is very nice to men and makes them think she likes them, and flirts with men in relationships. I can not stand her. Do not go here because of her! I WAS CUSSED OUT OVER AND OVER AGAIN BY THE BARTENDER FOR NO REASON JUST BECAUSE I ASKED IF SHE HAD SEEN MY FRIEND I WAS SUPPOSED TO MEET. SHE WAS SCREAMING AND CUSSING ME OUT AND I DONT EVEN CUSS AT PEOPLE. SHE WAS ABOUT 50 AND ALL OF THESE BARTENDERS IN THIS WHOLE AREA OF ALTON ARE LOW CLASS AND RUDE TO WOMEN.

Casual but the food is quite good! Folks are friendly.

No way