
Okay people! IF you go all the way to Hana, you gotta stop and eat ya? Well, THIS is the place I WOULD DRIVE ALL DA WAY TO HANA FOR! This is some crazy insane good stuff! This is actually 2 different restaurant owners who share the same space and almost share the same menu. This way each owner gets a few well deserved days off but the restaurant stays open! Check out the descriptions on yelp. People pretty much raving about the food. Me... all I can ever order is “Crispy Opakapaka (Hawaiian pink snapper) with Green Mango Salad” because it has drugs in it or something and I am simply addicted! It is too good for words! I L-O-V-E ALL the veggies in that salad, super amazing, and I L-O-V-E the crispy Opakapaka, I L-O-V-E the fact that it contains MANGO. It has a homemade sweet n sour dressing which is very light and PERFECT! And I crave this every day... EVERY DAY!!! Don't be fooled by the little parking lot with food booths on the way to Hana that claim they have “THAI FOOD” - resist! Hold out for DA BEST! Come into Hana! Follow signs for Hana Bay, then when at the cross roads leading to Hana Bay (don't turn left here!) continue straight UP da hill for DA KINE Thai Food!