Traditions On the Beach


Last night, Jan.17, 2015 my marriage partner of 23 years and I were treated HORRIBLY at a restaurant on Sanibel Island, a place we love. The restaurant, Traditions on The Beach singled us out while we were on the dance floor (we were the only same sex couple there) and told us "Not to dance this way; we are a family restaurant." Well, we were slow dancing and the man who approached us on the dance floor was the owner. Appalled, shocked and humiliated we left the restaurant immediately, even though our waiter tried to comfort us. Obviously we will never return to this restaurant and we are concerned for any other LGBT couple who may be attempting to have an enjoyable evening at this establishment. We are in our 60's and we have NEVER, EVER been treated this way.

We too were planning to go to Traditions, but homophobia doesn't sit well with us. It doesn't matter if other patrons complained or if this is a personal prejudice of the owner, bigotry is bigotry and we'll be spending our time and money elsewhere.

It's 2015. Bigotry is no longer a way of life, even in Florida. Get over your prejudices!

after reading the post about how this place is homophobic, we decided to try other restaurants on the island. the tapas place was great.

Don't eat here if you are gay or lesbian, the owner kicks people out for being such. Terrible bigot!