Les Schwab Tire Center

In 2009, I had a 1979 Corvette completely restored, including all brakes, rotors, spindles, wheel bearings. The last major job were tires/rims. Les Schwab in McKinleyville completed this job. 6 years/9,000 miles later, 2 front-end wheel bolts break off while driving and I find that the chrome rims were installed over round-head bolts preventing the rims from being flush with the hub. Pat Sheehy, the owner of Les Schwab in McKinleyville, Ca., swears that there's no way his technicians would have done that; that they would have seen it. I told him I wasn't looking for blame, I just wanted it repaired. THEY did thepo original work. He refused, saying that they weren't familiar with 1979 Corvettes and, " ... why would he start a job that he couldn't finish." proving to me that he has NO CREDIBILITY and NO INTEGRITY; he knew what he was doing when he sold approximately $1,500 in rims and tires in 2009 AND he admitted that they didn't know what they were doing in their area of expertise when his technicians SHOULD BE trained/certified, yet he doesn't know how to change bolts on a hub assembly of a 1970's car? Therefore, he also LACKS COMPETENCY. The spindles, hubs, brakes, bearings were all newly installed, yet HE DOES knows that MY car had work done on it since the wheel installation. I have 6 cars in my household, including one RV. NONE of them will be seeing Pat Sheehy's Les Schwab in Mckinleyville. I'll take them to CostCo, first. CostCo is ALSO cheaper and stand behind their work like true professionals.

They do not honor warranties here. They just want your money and use the "warranty" as a selling point which they have no intention of honoring.

Have to agree, they do not honor their warranty and are not helpful what so ever.