blue byrd's
A Google User - December 21, 2011

Pretty decent club. Staff is real and the patrons too. Just have to figure out when they will have a good crowd...but when they do its all good. Food is good enough to get you to the house but don't expect real quality. Prices Ok. But you will have fun!
A Google User - December 10, 2011

Had a good time. There was no dress code and great music. They even got a pole for the bold drunk ones lol. And the bartender served strong drinks all night. Drinks were kinda high tho.
A Google User - September 24, 2011

This place really turned around recently. Definetely recommended
A Google User - January 24, 2011

Whoever wrote ( duesh bag) needs to learn some grammar the correct spelling for that word is!! Douche bag! !!!
A Google User - February 16, 2012

The owner is a douche bag......"you come see me, I hooka you up....."
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