
All the staff day or night is extremely rude and this is proof of poor management from top down. The management is uneducated and talks about all their guest that come into their bar. They are nasty there. When you go there, you will not be able to wear the same clothes ever again, why?. It is not cigarettes smoke that lingers too your clothes, but it smells of something worse and it takes your breathe away when you walk in. Smoking is fine, but a ventilation system is needed or close this place down. Beautiful bar, but bad smells and ROTTEN ATTITUDE, ALONG WITH POOR MANAGEMENT, SUCKS... They need to send their managers to some psychology class to learn how to manage, and not be rude. Also, you need to be able to know how to interact with all their guest, do not act like you are better than your guest...I never think this bar will ever change. I have been here many times... and the smell of rotten smells and attitude does not make me want to spend my $ there. Just go and visit and you will know about the nasty smell I am talking about...