
They don't have descent food. No burgers just fried crap which is gross. They REALLY NEED FOOD that is more okay for anyone. Macados is better if you want food and a sports bar. But the place is nice and lots of tv's. Not many places that are okay in this region as far as a sports bar. This place is one of the only ones around here.

Great atmosphere, lots of tv's and great sports always on. The food is simple and good. Alexs always has special events for holidays and themed parties.

Alex's is a small bar/pool hall. The staff and crowd are extremely friendly for a small town. There are no need for metal detectors due to the lack of fights. This bar has a jukebox playing 80's and country all night. The crowd is mainly white so there is no racial tension at this place. Prices on beer are between 1 an 2 for bid light. 8 for bid light pictures and they take cards if you want to run a tab. Defiantly a nice chill bar if you wanna watch the game or just shoot some pool with the guys.