
If wading through wannabe tough guys, bar flies, and hood rats is you're thing, then this is the bar for you. Came in to grab a beer and watch a football game. First off, you become accosted by the smell of a back alley Korean gambling den just outside the door. Then, you get immediately bombarded with a small crowd and pool tables. Best part, you get to bump into some dude about to take his shot, throwing your first impression out the back door. Since when are pool tables right inside the front door? Follow along, our next stop is the impressively small bar compared to the size of the crowd. Don't you just love getting so up close and personal with people you don't know only to find out they have a significantly different opinion of personal hygiene. Did I mention the glaring looks from the snaggle-toothed ridden bar women. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a mean spirited person, but these women looked hungry. Not sure what for but I pushed my way through to arrive to the seating area in the back. You get the sneaking feeling that everyone here knows each other. This place isn't actually all bad. The karaoke was half decent and the drinks(when i could get to the bar) were pretty cheap. Aside from the over whelming feeling of "we don't serve your kind here" ala Mostly Eisley cantina and the apparent look of disdain for anyone none local, I give this place a 3 out 5. Bathrooms a remarkably clean and there's a giant ox statue out back.

Don't come in it's too crowded all the time, old people only, 50 and older!!!