Burger Barn

Hands down the best burgers. For a really good experience, I would suggest not going after Manvel H.S. event. The line will get long and sodas are served in 16 oz cups that are full of ice so you have to go back through the line for the free refill. I don't think they can make a chili cheese burger. They've messed up the chili cheese burger 2 out of three times that they've made it for me- the last time they forgot the chili and tonight they put "Fritos" on it. They don't come around to ask if everything is OK so your going back through the line to get it remade and, if it's crowded,, don't get the "Lucy." They told my father-n-law it would take 20 minutes to make and it took every minute of it. Stick with basic burgers and you are in for a treat. Burger Barn is actually worth going out of your way for if your looking for an outstanding, top notch, old school hamburger.

Great tasting burger. Awesome environment and music. Clean!!! And price isn't bad. But more importantly, CLEAN!

AMAZING burgers, each time I have been here I wind up in a food coma, but its soooo worth it!

Best burger place ever

Great burgers. Great flavor on Meat, and great toppings. Superb atmosphere and service