Escapade 2001

First time being at this Club, and the only reason I went was to watch my favorite group Los Cardenales de Nuevo Leon play. I was so happy when my husband came home and had my daughter hand me the tickets. People were rude as hell. Everybody was just pushing their way through the crowd as if you weren't even there. Some guy with his pinche cowboy hat squeezed his way in front of me and ruined my whole view. It was soo packed you couldn't even walk, everybody was literally touching body to body. Trying to make your way to the bathroom was hell. Beer bottles were everywhere. I had to be careful not to trip over peoples feet and beer bottles. It smelt like a damn cigarette shop, with all the cancer sticks being lit up. And last but not least some guy was pushing me like I was a damn doll when me and my husband were trying to get through the crowd to leave! Culero! I didn't tell my husband till we get home and he was pissed off.. which is the reason why I didn't tell him, because I know how Hot Headed my husband is and all hell would of broke loose if had told him while it was happening. I literally lost so much respect for my own people after seeing them act like damn animales. Its a damn shame. Im a 22 year old female and this club shit scene is not for me! P.S. the taco stand outside escapade was good though! lol. if that even counts.

El lugar de siempre

Lots of people, minimal fighting, a variety of music and a big dance floor. What's not to like?

This place get crunk!! 😝🍻🍻

Love the music, Rhe atmosphere, drinks and all about it 💯