
Seedy place. If you don't like disgusting, low-class places with guys looking for a fight, stay out. The mgmt or Security could care less about you. I had a haymaker thrown at me from a guy that blindsided me because I unknowingly said hello to his girlfriend. The staff threw me out & left him inside to enjoy the evening with his private VIP party. This was flat-out assault & charges should have been filed. Keep your daughters or friends out of this place. Guys are skuzz balls & place smells like vomit/urine/sweat most of time. There are much nicer places to go in Knoxville

The third floor is GREAT for private parties, I attended one up there last night actually, great music, drink specials, very nice atmosphere. Didn't see any fights, no drama, and not even a whiff of racism. I would def recommend their third floor, I believe it's called 90 Proof, for private events

Seems to me what others are perceiving as racism is just a dress code being enforced. While the door guy might be a douche ( unless you are talking about the owner, who seems like a pretty nice guy) he is just enforcing something that was established to keep certain standards. I'm a white female and my black date got in no problem. But he was dressed nice, club gear, you know....This place has come a long way....we had a great time with our mixed crowd!

Southbound is a racist club! Black people don't bother going! The big fat pot belly dude at the door only let white dudes in with daisy duke shorts on into the club. And the knoxville cops are in on the plot! Knoxville Sucks!!

Maybe if the other people didn't dress like complete thugs they could have got in. Rob at the front door is awesome and DJ ERIC B is the best dj around. They have a dress code so act and dress like you want to be respected and this place is great.