
So apparently ya'll don't know the difference between: A. Cheese B. No Cheese I'm glad I get to enjoy a monstrous glob of melted cheese n' chips tonight (aka --> your version of a taco salad). How do SO many fast food joints manage to screw up SO many food orders SO frequently?!? Good Lord... It's as simple as: 1. Listen to or read your customer's food order. 2. Make it. 3. Hand it to them. A five year old could do it.

Like most Sheetz food, this location's food is equally as detestable. If you're intoxicated or simply have neurological damage to your taste bud receptors you may, maybe...perhaps, be able to down more then two bites without a violent gag-reflex like convulsion occurring throughout your entire digestive system. On a more specific note, the food can be reduced to this: Cardboard. Every item on the greasy touch screen menu has an underlining cardboard flavor. I understand this is not 5-star fine dining cuisine being served, however, it should at a minimum be eatable. Sheetz food is simple so bad it should be fed to goats, and only intravenously, as no respectable goat would eat such dreck. Please Mr. Sheetz, go back to selling gas and cigarettes. Let us die from lung cancer and spare us the agony of dying from the cardiopulmonary trauma that will commence upon the revolt of every taste bud in ones being. Conclusion: Sheetz food should be outlawed and the people making it should be deported.

It was so PACKED, yea thats normal but I have never been in a more slow Sheetz in my life. The people who work there look like 5 minutes to ring up my one item and she did not even communicate. I had faster service in Pittsburgh on a Baseball game day.