
Extremely busy, which sometimes causes a messy ladies room, some spills around coffee and soda dispensers don't get cleaned up quickly because a person can only do.... With one exception (whose name I didn't catch), I've always been treated respectfully, and greeted with a smile.

Food is good and so is the staff. Manager is rude and lacks professionalism. Yells at employees in front of customers.

Manager Heather yells at staff and blows up on them for no reason..then calls herself the "Enforcer," like there is an excuse for her lack of professionalism. She takes her job way too seriously, and has gotten one of my friends fired before, and was telling her mom she was abusing drugs. (NOT TRUE) but then you can totally tell Heather is a "party" person. My friend confirmed that she is from when they used to hang out. Also, old asst. manager Ricky was a total loser, you could tell he fully related to Seth Rogen's character in like every one of his movies accept the "Green Hornet." He's lucky I had to go or I would have chewed him out for his lack of professionalism when dealing with staff. I saw him snarl," I don't need your life story," at one of the new employees when they told him they were getting a drink and would then get on there work. VERY PROFESSIONAL!!! Here's a hint Sheetz: Stop hiring the people who never got over being picked on in high school as managers. Push someone, like the asst. Manager at the store, Eric...who actually brings intelligence and professionalism to his job. I've chatted with him numerous times and he seems to be, besides a few of the shift supervisors, (Albert was a HORRIBLE in every sense of the word supervisor to the store's employees and was thankfully stepped down) very good at his job and what the store needs to be taken seriously. Lastly, this store LOVES, LOVES, to screw with people's hrs. My friend went from around 30 hrs. a week to 11 hrs. a week. A part-time, 25 hrs. a week job cashiering at the grocery store would be better than this...don't even try to work here. Just wait, for Burger King or Wendy's to call you back.

Friendly people

Tells people to leave when they are waiting on food or cashier seen as though the manager cracks under pressure