
DON'T EAT AT THE MYRTLE CREEK, OR MCDONALD'S.....................EVER!!!! Unless you request it made fresh, but even then it's risky. When the timer goes off on a product they rarely throw it away. Usually the product is left until it's sold or until it looks unsalable. I've mention to supervisor's and management that a product has expired, receive the same response time and time again.... "Does it still look good?" Eventually I gave up asking and began to throw away expired products. To then receive criticism from multiple managers stating that i'm wasting too much product.... in some circumstances their having us cook to much and the managers should readjust holding amounts... in other cases i.e. the Folded Egg we'll hold their minimum of 1 fold per tray equaling 3 fold's and I've seen them over looked til the point the egg goes from bright yellow to a dark yellow with a then rubbery texture and the quarter pounder meat i've seen held and used up until the point the meat looks extremely dry, and dark almost resembling a hockey puck... crispy chicken has a 1 hour timer... when timer is up, it then sits there until sold 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until the chicken is dry and dark looking. EGGS!!! DONT EAT EVER!!! The Round egg i.e. the only real egg used there most common on the sausage egg and cheese muffin and the egg mcmuffin have a sickening cooking procedure where they use mini tongs to pop the egg yolk then place those tongs back above the grill to be used again and again and again all breakfast without being WASHED OR WIPED between each run of eggs they cook. It suggested to clean them and was then told by management "It's a good idea, but it's not required." ....WHAT THE FUKC!! Anyway moving on, manager/supervisor's will also jump on line to help make sandwiches without gloves or only wearing one glove..... WHY BITCH!! I just saw you handle money.... not wash your hands ... then proceed to make someone's food..... and last but definitely not least "Graffiti Remover" a spray product used to remove sharpie from the bathroom walls. I myself have been handed it and seen multiple kitchen employee's handed it by every morning manager including the store's GM...... not to remove writing from the bathroom but to remove the dates off expired products including shredded lettuce, tomatoes, slivered onions, salad mix, and any expired product from the refrigerator including products served in your kids happy meals. Not such a happy thought..... and who knows if that just this McDonald's. Please LIKE and SHARE if you live in the area to help warn others of the sick and disgusting truth. =anonymously unanonymous