
We stop at this little coffee shop often. They have the best fish and chips around. And the fries are excellent also. Two little old ladies run the place, and yes they are a little slower than usual, but I like quaint places. Wireless is available. Coffee is good, but not your regular coffee from Starbucks for instance. Prices are reasonable.

It's hard to know where to start. My wife and I and the kids stopped here for breakfast on the way home from an overnight stay at the beach. We took a look at the menu and decided to give it a try. My wife ordered a two-egg omelet asking if one of the ingredients could be left out and a large latte. The server said that she couldn't make any changes to the omelets as they were pre-made. This should have been my first clue that we were in for a treat. The kids each had the equivalent of a McDonald's breakfast sandwich and a hot cocoa. I ordered a small latte with an extra shot and asked if they could do the ham and cheese omelet a la carte. The server at the counter said in almost a whisper, "no, she (referring to the woman I assume was the owner, in the back) doesn't like to price things that way". I didn't want a plate full of hash browns, so I opted for just a side of bacon. The total was around $22 and I threw in the change from $25 for a tip. My wife's latte came out first. After a few minutes it became clear to me that she'd forgotten my latte. I watched the woman in the back put my wife's omelet in the microwave. When the server came out with my paper-thin strips of bacon and my wife's nuked egg puck, I asked if she had remembered my latte. She rushed back to the register and produced the receipt proving that she hadn't charged me for a latte. There was no apology. There was no, "hang on, I'll get it right away." Even if I had forgotten to order it, which I'm certain I hadn't, it seems like there would be some effort to make the customer happy. None. She sure proved to me that I hadn't paid for a latte, though, and therefore she was off the hook for making it. That came through loud and clear. The food was bad. If you don't have a grill, don't serve omelets. And don't charge full meal prices for snack food. I could have had a fantastic breakfast made by real chefs with real ingredients in Portland for the same price. This doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy. Microwaved frozen food will not make your customers happy. If there's a mis-communication around an order, do what you can to fix it. A free latte to a customer when you make a mistake will cost you around thirty cents worth of coffee and milk. A bad review like this one may cost you your business.

Food was excellent and it was served quick and hot.