Braum's Ice Cream & Dairy Store

I love Braum's products, the milk is better than any other. However, the tour is not worth the time. You do not get to see the cows, or calves or the milking. The guide could provide more information and cover more of the farm. Not really that much to see in the factory it takes a lot of walking. Not handicap friendly at all.

My wife and I just returned from the Braum,s store Mustang where we purchase all our dairy products. In addition we purchased two (2) large frozen yogart cones and after ahving traveled s few miles, bit into the cones and found that they were stale. Very, very little crunch and obviously not fresh. This is the first time we have had a problem like this and wanted to ensure you were made aware so the problem will not hopefully reoccur in the future. Thanks for producing the best dairy products anywhere in the country.