
THIS Starbucks is awesome. I mean...seriously. It's crazy. I travel a lot and there's nothing more convenient for meeting a client or killing an hour waiting for a bus/plane/taxi but I hate Starbucks. I don't like how they're all exactly the same and in that sameness they suck in all the exact same ways. I'm an opinionated computer programmer who has spent far too much time in too many different coffee shops to like Starbucks. In fact I HATE the general mediocrity of the Starbucks thing, which is why I want you to take this review seriously. Starbucks Boulder City should be the template for all the Starbucks across the land. The crew there has managed to turn the soulless corporate crapfest that is Starbucks and make it...wonderful. It has spacious, comfortable seating. It has an unbelievably friendly staff. They ALWAYS have blond, medium and dark roast on tap which is amazing and great for me since I can't stand Pike's Place Roast. It's simply a great place to grab a cup of coffee and relax and, when it comes right down to it, that's all I want out of a coffee shop.

Wouldn't even stayed if I had to. - beyond cold inside. Latte excellent.

Also - Great music over the PA system!

Heading out the 93? This is the last coffee stop for quite some time.

Entering this Starbucks is like leaving the cliche' Boulder City small town experience. I feel like I am at a Starbucks in LA. I like that. Coffee is relish, service is spectacular and always fully stocked with cool Starbuck merchandise.