

When I first walked up, no one greeted me. that's alright I don't need overpriced coffee anyway. But then I went to sit and work on my laptop to kill some time before picking someone up and although there are many empty chairs, there isn't a place to sit. Every single table is covered in wrappers, garbage, not even crumbs but whole pieces of food. Gross. Completely gross, the gas station is cleaner than this. Too bad there isn't a Caribou in town.

Starbucks are obviously not a Midwest thing....and that's ok. Caribou coffee is awesome. But really, if I have a registered starbucks card it should be recognized and used the same at every store. Don't get me wrong, standard coffee flair was fine, we tend to add more sprinkles out west, but just odd that its a search and destroy mission to even find a starbucks in the Midwest and then one that will accept standard issue starbucks coupons and gift cards.

It was good except they messed up my order

Good coffee