Huron Sports

OK if anyone is going through Tawas and you think you would like to buy something from Huron Sports, like a water tube. DON'T. The service was unbelievable, buyer beware! I bought a floating tube, first one had a leak right in the handle, they gave us such a hard time, called within 24 hours of purchase,brought it back within a few days. Cashier gave us a hard time, then the manager did exchange it. Blew the new one up last night in our garage, leaking! Right in the middle of the store The testosterone, steroid injecting manager was so rude. Said I was ripping him off, cheating him and that it was "Crap" I was in his store again. No customer service, manager claims he blew up our first one and sold it to someone else within 48 hours of the exchange and that he got ripped off by me. I would like to ask the question "who got ripped off"? I paid $70 for a damn float sitting in my garage that is flat!!! Sounds like he made out!