Fisherman's Friend Restaurant

Restaurant I would like to say that we strive to do the very best that we can do to make your experience with us the best it can possibly be. We also provide the best LOCAL seafood available and have done so since we opened in 1976. Our 35 years of operation speaks for itself. However, We are not perfect and do make mistakes from time to time. We want to know about them before you leave the restaurant so that we can fix the problem immediately. If you come to Stonington come and see us! Enjoy views of Stonington Harbor and pick 1 of our 18 ways to eat our local Lobster. Thanks and we hope to see you soon.

Drive right by this dud of a restaurant unless you would like to pay top prices for dogfood. I thought someone was playing a joke on me. Greasy soggy fried food, ice cold mashed potatoes, chowder consisting of milk and butter in a cup, "Haddock cakes" that looked and smelled like someone sat on them before putting them in front of us. This place should be cleared right off the map. It is an INSULT.

We had steamers and 1.25 lb soft shell lobsters and one cup of scallop stew, reviewed in Yankee magazine '08. The scallop stew was off the scale good! The lobstets were 10 out of 10. The clams were 9.8 out of 10 only because we had better later. Our server was attentive good humored. She took down the umbrella so we could see the moon.