

The owner, Tessa Dagger, is an extremely hostile and demented individual. Whether she woke up on the wrong side of the bed or is always so ill-tempered is difficult to tell, but her behavior, specifically telling a customer to "dip their head in boiling paint thinner" in reply to a request for assistance is inexcusable. Regardless of the quality of product served here, I would not advise that anyone deal with this woman after she pulled this stunt - her lack of professionalism and open hostility is an insult to any decent, self-respecting human being with any semblance of humility.

I started buying cake balls from Cakettes when the business began. The cake balls are moist and delicious, and the designs created on the chocolate are astouding! (Ask about cake balls that look like eyes for Halloween.) I haven't visited the coffee shop yet (it's kind of far for me), but I plan to do so soon. My favorite cake ball flavors are Red Velvet and Chocolate Peanut Butter.

Very classy baked goods. Some sandwichs available. The caketts are wonderful and the owners are really nice. But they need to offer breakfast sandwiches.

Cakettes are awesome and Tessa is one of the sweetest people I know