
The bouncers are complete ass holes me a my cousin went there he had on dome starched relax fit jeans they would not let us in because of it saying they where to baggie but they where letting people in with holes all in their paints ass out and everything. My cousin just come from his 4th tour fighting for this country and I felt like that was some bullshit!

Went to this bar for my wife's bday they said we couldn't get in because my Hollister shorts where to long wtf I where all nice clothes *shrug* they want your shorts above your knees go figure

I wouldn't give this even one star if I didn't have to. This place is one of the most visible displays of a belief in white supremacy! The way the owners and the bouncers treat black people here is a disgrace. They act like just because they let "some" in and kick out like a few white ppl then they aren't being racist but everybody can see through this bull. I used to go here when I was younger but I will never go back. I've seen too much psychological pain they have inflicted on people. I'll never forgot one time when I had the biggest pants on where you couldn't even see my shoes. Since I am white, it was no biggie. I was let in but the black guy behind me who literally had his pants looking like Steve Erckl was told his pants were too baggy. Another time I was with a friend and they told him his tight pants were too baggy. He went and changed them to even smaller pants and they told him that since he was already told he couldn't come in tonight it didn't matter if he changed his pants. And the bouncers all have this look on their faces like they enjoy it while the cops who are hired to sit there with them just laugh. And it isn't just with the dudes. I've been with females who have been told theyre showing too much skin while the white girls in front of them who were practically naked walked through without a problem. This place is sickening.

What everybody else is saying is very true. Im white but friends and boyfriend are black, & this club is truely racist. & if that doesnt keep u away from this hole in the wall, me and some friends seen these large rats in the bathrooms!!

This place barely let's black people n it's sad.. They tell you about your clothes when theres 20 other white guys in shorts that they let in with no problem... That needs to change it's 2012 grow up people!