La Poussiere

This just isn't a bar. It is a genuine, old fashioned Cajun Dance hall. La Poussiere is Cajun for "The Dust" because the wooden dance floor kicks up dust when it is danced on. In old dance halls they sprinkle a special dust on the floor so shoes will slide better on it. The drinks there are cheap and generous. The BEST thing about La Poussiere is they have monthly CAJUN FRENCH MUSIC ASSOCIATION meetings with pot luck and music. The CFMA mettings start at 7PM every first Thursday of nearly every month. They have a pot luck every meeting and floor prizes, cake walk and Cajun music for two hours after the meeting and drawings end. Visitors can enter for free and eat for free. By your third visit though, they expect you to pay the $20 annual dues and bring something for pot luck. ANYBODY can join, you do not have to be a musician. The purpose of CFMA is to support Cajun music and Cajun culture. People come from all over the world to experience this wonderful music, culture and food. There is no place on EARTH that is a better bargain for a Cajun night on the town. Kids are allowed and encourages to come. They just love the dancing and the large assortment of sweets at the pot luck. The gentle, old Cajuns take great delight in encouraging and seeing the kids dance. La POussiere has music on Saturdays and Sundays and you have to pay an admission of $5 to $10 to get in, depending on the band.

We saw Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys at La Poussiere just last night--a great show and a dance floor full of incredible dancers of all ages. Be prepared to dance fast if you want to keep up--but even if you just sit on the sidelines and watch, you'll have a great time. The venue has a huge dance floor, flanked by lots of tables and chairs, and there's a bar at the back of the room. Everyone was friendly and we had a great time!