Shesha Tobacco Shop

Came in for a globe for an e pen. was told adamantly that they are universal. Attempted to disassemble the ecig at the joint of the same size. Trigger button assembly comes unsoddered in process. I go back in and explain to the rep they are not universal and I am now out a pen. The manager offers me a free adapter (4.99) and the salesman says "oooh". I say "adapter for what?" I get my money back, but they just wanted to screw up my old gear to get me to buy more kit from them. I'll never get caught dead here again.

The highest in town WHOA!!! And I thought The Humidor was high! To give you an example the Havana Honeys were $22.. $15 elsewhere Wow!

I only recently found this place and glad too see a shop around town dedicated to my hookah needs. The shop is located next to JC Pennys at Town West. They had every flavor of Fantasia tobacco i'm sure, and alot of Al Fahker flavors in 50g and 250g, which is a much better selection than i've seen at the lounges around and cheaper too. Also the cheapest box of 100 three kings instant lights around town. They have a selection of hookah bowls as well as if it were a candy store, sorted by shape and color =). They also had good deals on their hookahs. I hope you guys thrive. You'll be seeing more of me.

This place introduced me to Social Smoke, the greatest hookah shisha on the face of this earth, the employees are great people, they answer all curious questions, they are nice, and some of them know me i go in there so much, haha, but this place has VERY high quality items, i bought my hookah from there and i don't regret any of it, i only buy my shisha and coals from this store. Highly Recommended.

It was pretty good. The staff is really nice and friendly. The only thing is there are really creepy people that smoke there